

Wanna g0 f0r Part-t1m3 j0b


Th3 Gang 0f 5
Kah F0ng


Image: sxc
Designer: willy

|V|y Fr13nds

  • Th3 G4ng 0f 5
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  • Th3 cHatt1n Plac3

    Wednesday, August 24, 2005

    yoz!! Sorry.. I had neglected my blog for almost two weeks.. Hehe.. Please pardon me.. ^^
    Well, this posting is just going to tell you that how destructive that I can be. Hoho~ But this kind of destrction is, as in that kind of materialistic destruction..

    Sometimes I would do my best of not destroying things around me, but when i try not to destroy something, i would become more and more clumsy in not destroying it. So, in another words, I would destroy that thing in the faster speed! OMG!! 害~ 真是悲哀呀~~

    Ok! Now let's take a example that recently happen..

    Because of "Using soft-plastic bottles ('Mineral Water' that type of bottle) in a long period of time will harm our body", my mother bought a lot of hard-plastic bottles. (Sorry, I don't what it is call in a proper way.. Hehe..) And then, haha.. I've broke 4 hard-plastic bottles within 2 months! Lolx.. The most powerful, is that, the 4th bottle that i used, i juz broke it within 1 hour when i started to use it. OMG!! That is really my record man! HAHA.. Powerful right?? Ok! You might ask how this happen.. But I can tell you is that when you knew about it, you people will scold me stupid and clumsy.. It happened yesterday..

    ~Early in the morning 6 o'clock~ No lah, just kidding..
    Well, in the early morning, about 7 am, my mother asked me to take care of the new bottle, before I was out for school. I was afraid that she would nag, so I gave her my words that i would protect the bottle. And in order to avoid dropping it onto the flour, I carried a dark purple plastic bag with me. Then throughout the trip to school is quite a safe one, as I had avoid it breaking. Then on the bus, i had drank a mouthful of water from the bottle. Nice plain water (>.<)
    After the boring flag rising ceremony, we had to return to our classroom. And this incident happened. Ha! I put my bag on the table, then I put the plastic bag onto of the bag. As the bottle makes the plastic bag quite out of shape, I think. And the plastic bag just slide down the bag and the plastic bag dropped on the flour and BONG! The bottle just cracked and all the water in the bottle just flowed out of the plastic bag. Haha~ OMG!! The 4th one had spoiled! The first three bottles is broken by swinging them around and accidentally, they dropped on the floor and slided quite distance and cracked.
    Haha.. This is not the only one.. There is another kind of destruction made by me. It's the chair! LOLx! As I get excited and agitated easily when watching the televison program. I remember the last time I spoiled the 3rd chair was when I was watching the "Jurassic Park II". As the show had reached its climax, and the dinosaur suddenly come out to chase the actors. And I get very excited, and I sat towards the inner part of the chair and BIAH! The part that connected the chair and the leaning part disconnected! Haha~
    And the things at home is mainly destroyed by me.. For example, toilet door (had a crack as i kicked it), water bottles, VCD player, Radio, chairs, bed, telephone and computer! Haha.. I felt that I'm truly a destroyer!! Spoiled so many things, how destructable I can be! And I felt very proud of it! LOLX!
    I know it's stupid but i think that it's quite funny.. But maybe i don't really how to show it in a much more funnier and make it very very lame.. But I hope it brought you some joy! ^_^Y

    <3 1:00 PM

    Sunday, August 14, 2005

    Happy birthday, my friend!! Although your birthday is tomorrow, but still a very happy birthday to ya!!!

    Okay, next, my good news!! Yeah!! I've got A2 for my GCE 'O' level Chinese!! Although it might not as good as A1, but i'm very happy with it already. When I got my results, my feelings is like "AT LAST!! I'VE GOT IT!!". Oh man! I'm so happy!! Due to I have taken two times of Chinese "O" exams last year, but I kept on having B3.. Although that time, I was satisfied with the results. But my school's Chinese HOD, forced my friends and I, who only got B3 and B4, to retake the exam this year.. It's like so frastrating until felt like giving up.. But at last, 皇天不负有心人, I've got an A2!

    So my friends, if you had read this, do work harder! I didn't mean to show off or whatever, but I really hope you could be encourage! Please do not be discourage because of a few times of failure. Although the feelings of "try again" sucks, but do believe 失败是成功之母, so 加油吧!!
    Let's go through the hardships together ba!!

    Although a bit mushy, but my friends, I really do not hope you all being so sad because of just one subject. I know that it is impossible that not to be sad, but please do not so discourage. It is because there still a few more sucking subjects to go through, we have to have the energy to go through it. Then after that we can be as crazy as we like. So my friends 加油吧!祝你们好运!!

    <3 1:25 PM

    Monday, August 08, 2005

    Self-esteem is self-respect.. But do I have self-esteem???

    Someone has made me feel like mention this form of word.. But do I have "self-esteem"?? I kept on reflecting it. In the end, I was thinking maybe I have very high self-esteem. But due to some causes, and maybe that some "causes" had completely destroy or destroy most of my self-esteem.. Because of one time, I had put my pictures on 1 of the website. And someone used it for some bad purposes and causes a very big and bad event to happen.. Fortunately, now it's over..

    But still, there is some shadow left behind.. I started to be very sensitive in putting my photographs on the net, started to dislike shooting, started to hate my looks and some negative effects.. I want to be good-looking, want to look nice. And when I feel that I am nice enough maybe I might be able to stand up again..

    Last time, I can be so confidence until even one of my ex best-friend said "Oh man! You are so confidence in yourself until I felt like boxing you". That time, I was thinking "Isn't having high self-confidence good?".

    But now, I found that I might not be as strong and confidence in myself then before.. Now I'm still wondering how can I be so negative and sensitive. This is not like me.. I hope to get this out.. Really, get this damn thing out of me..

    Anyway, thanks to the people around me. They gave me lots and lots of support. Luv all of ya!

    <3 10:35 AM

    Friday, August 05, 2005

    Firstly, what made me so mad about is that my most 欠扁的 c_ _ _ _ _n, he had did something that really makes me feel like skinning him alive! And how I hope I can chop him in pieces!! Oh man, that idiot!! ARGH!!

    Next, the next few days I might not write my blog... It is because I need to work on something which really needs me to concentrate a lot on it.. Hai~~ Feel so stressed sia.. Ok!! I'll stop here, cause I think i had to start on the thingy already.. If not, it might not finish on time.. Hai~~

    <3 6:04 AM

    Monday, August 01, 2005

    Erm.. Today is quite a happy day.. Although it's quite simple, I think it's enough already.. Today I went out with my cousins HQ, SF and my bro.. As today got wad superstar, which i don't really care.. And SF wanna go to the library after watching the superstar in IMM, then have dinner later and so on..

    At first,I don't wanna go out today one.. But my bro begged me to go.. Haha.. I'm so evil... But not really begged la.. It's like he kept on pestering me, hope me to go and meet with them like that.. Then is like I agree at first, but I had tell him that, it depends on how he behave.. If he dares to make me angry,I will not go out.. And b'cos of this condition, he don't really dare to annoy me.. Haha.. and I take this opportunity to make fun of him.. For example, a small matter he do, if I'm not happy abit, i'll just say "Do this to annoy me some more lor.. do some more, then I'll not go to the library.." Then his reaction is like so funny, he'll would say "Ok! Ok! Jie, go la.. sorry la.." like a face of being bully and being make fun of.. (Although he really being make fun of.. HAHAHA..)

    Then around the afternoon, HQ and me, who are not so enthusiastic of the superstar thingy, so we didn't go... So we meet at the library.. While waiting my bro and SF to come, we did our homework.. Although I don't really done my homework, just stay there reading the comics that I brought.. Hehe.. Then at seven something we went to have our dinner.. We ate PIZZA.. Yeah!! So long did not eat that already.. So happy, full and satisfied!!

    I wanna have that outings more often.. Cos I really love to have family gathering more often.. hehe... HAPPY DAY RULEX!! YEAH!! =P

    <3 2:20 PM