

Wanna g0 f0r Part-t1m3 j0b


Th3 Gang 0f 5
Kah F0ng


Image: sxc
Designer: willy

|V|y Fr13nds

  • Th3 G4ng 0f 5
  • Stacy
  • Shu Fang
  • Jasp3r Ch3n
  • Ch0ng Y33
  • Char1s
  • Kah F0ng
  • L1nda
  • Jung
  • Ang3l1n3
  • L1 M1n
  • L1 |1ng
  • S13w P1n
  • J1a m1n
  • Mun K30ng
  • Ca1gary
  • Hit It

  • July 2005
  • August 2005
  • September 2005
  • November 2005
  • December 2005
  • January 2006
  • March 2006
  • May 2006
  • July 2006
  • August 2006
  • September 2006
  • October 2006
  • November 2006
  • December 2006

  • Th3 cHatt1n Plac3

    Monday, November 28, 2005

    YEAH!!!! At last, i went for my dreamy swimming today!! BUT.. BUT.. i genna sunburn.. *sobz*
    wakao! i think its my second time genna sunburnt.. now i really feel my skin really warm n hurts sia! wako! wako!!

    but still la, i still very happy about going wif my sister n cousin, SF.. ^^
    thx gal, for givin me such a happy time!! ^.^V

    <3 4:14 AM

    Hi!! to the anomynous who had seen my blog n gave me some comments abt it.. really! i really appreciated tt.. ^^ but i dunnoe how to express my self to both of u fully, i hope u would see this reply.. ^^

    Comment by an anomynous:
    Eat full too relax ahh! Gang!! Think more of your future lah...Don't just keeping thinking you'll always be the princess of your family, somethimes you gotta to think more of them and make some positive contribution and not just sitting infront of your PC and surf the Net!!!
    My reply:
    haha.. mayb i'm really eat full too relax le.. LOLX.. but, u r rite.. i should think more of my future.. but maybe i'm a weirdo ba.. cos i would always like to look back at the past.. cos to me, i would consider my past is quite a happy one.. as for the princess part, hmm.. i'm not a princess at home la.. onli missy at home.. LOLX.. got difference between missy n princess o.. princess is "shi zhi bu zan yang chun shui" one o.. haha.. moreover i got do mine own washin.. so i think its ok to say i'm a missy at home.. hoho.. as for the positive contribution part, i really dunno wad i can do for my family.. cos i'm willin to help anyone at my family, if they r in trouble la.. hoho.. but i'm juz a bit lazy onli.. hoho.. (mayb not "abit", but alot.. haha..)

    comment by an anomynous (too):
    Yee, I'm glad you're so positive, is so good to see that, keep it up.......but can you pls stop using "i luv u' too frequent!? hahaha...........
    My reply:
    haha.. of cos positive lo! hoho.. cos the world can b more beautiful as we think.. muz look at different angles of matter ma.. then ur life would b better... (^.^) sorry abt tt, missy or mister.. haha.. tt's my habit.. cos i think tt if one's does not show or express wad he/she like at tt special moment, he/she might not b able to hav tt special feelings again.. so y not express urself more in words?? if u r not gd in expressin urself, then y not use ur actions to show how u feel?? cos i think tt i'm a person better in talkin instead of action one.. (cos i'm lazy to take actions.. hoho.. completely its all my view la.. hoho) but really la, i think its important to express urself more instead of sittin one corner seein ur happiness juz fly away.. (my opinion: some gals juz like to heard the person they like to the 3 magic words.. hehe.. ^^)

    <3 3:41 AM

    Monday, November 21, 2005

    You Are 14 Years Old
    Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.
    13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.
    20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.
    30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!
    40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.

    Muahaha.. i'm still young in my heart.. LOLX.. at least younger than my cousin, jasper la.. although jasper is younger than me a few months.. but.. WAHAHA.. he is older than me in some concepts.. wahaha.. ok.. i'll shall not laughed at u anymore.. but.. MUAHAHA...
    hmm... but in another view of angle, i'm childish, immature lo.. LOLX.. never mind.. that is wad we call "人老,心不老"。。。 哈哈。。^^

    <3 4:13 PM

    Sunday, November 20, 2005

    yoz yoz yoz!! lolx.. today mad le.. Feel like havin lot5 of po5t here.. haha.. mayb too l0ng didn't update le ba... feel like postin like mad.. LOLX

    hmm.. I was thinkin, since our cousins so many.. why not we call ourself as a gang?? hoho.. tt would b fun! LOLX.. Han Jie,Han Quan, Xiao hui jie(Xiu Hui aka Stacy), Shu Fang, ah di(Chong Yee), Peggy(Pei Qi), Vicki(Wei Qi) n Jonathan(Wei Feng).. woohoo~~~! What a big one!! wahaha.. ahem.. sorry.. i think its quite a large bunch of youngsters.. haha.. wa.. Imagin3 we just went out together like tt, woohoo~~!! 5o cool man!! or mayb someone might think, "wa.. who's their mother?? jin gao seng(pro in give birth).. " LOLX.. Rolling On The Floor Laughin My Ass Off ( 简称 ROTFLMAO)

    SO guyz, any suggestion for our gang's name?? lol... haha.. OH YA!!! N lets go n watch movies together after our O lvl finish ba! muahaha.. watch "Chicken Little", "Chronicles of Narnia" or "Sky high".. as for Harry Potter, hmm.. some of them had watched le.. hehe.. anyway, think of our "gang's" name ba.. hoho..

    <3 3:09 PM

    Hmm... last few days, my cousin, SF, she did something that i am so touched.. she had a dedication for our this gang of cousins in FM 93.3.. although i didnt heard the dedication tt day, but she told me the next day.. i was quite shocked n touched.. a gal like her had a dedication for me.. so touched..

    although it might nothin to u, but i think its heart tt matters.. THANX ALOT SF, I LUV YA!! lolx.. her dedication goes, "To jasper kor, ah di kor n HY jie, gd luck for ur O lvl. muz jia you o!! To xiao hui jie, peggie, vicki n jonathan, thx for being part of my life!"(err.. if my memory is right, i think the endin part is like tt.. hehe.. if wrong muz tell me hor.. i'll edit it.. hoho..)

    wa.. first time there's a person had a dedication for me.. so h4ppy!! >.<

    SF, u took away my first time le.. i want u to b responsible o.. LOLX... juz kiddin.. haha.. (cough cough, yi tai, yi tai..) lolx..

    <3 2:28 PM

    Friday, November 18, 2005

    yeah!! o lvl is endin le!! left 1 more paper (comb.sci)!! woohoo!!! hope it would over soon.. so that i can go n watch movies.. HEHE..

    Movies!! i wanna watch "Chicken little","Harry Potter n the Goblin of Fire"n etc.. wahaha.. cant remember.. hey hey!! Cousins, after O lvl, we went to watch movies k?? Its been a long time i didnt watch movies wif u guys le!! i remember the last movie we watched together is the "Princess Diary 2".. ha.. we watched it at the cinema in the clementi.. it is an old n seems quite worn out one.. haha.. but its sort of cool! cos no one would mind that we laughed loudly anot(cos no one is in the cinema except us).. haha.. LAME.. (-_-)""

    Ha~~~~ after O lvl, i wanna go to work.. but is workin at a restaurant gd?? weekday $5/hr, weekend $6/hr.. my sis said tt its gd to give it a try.. but would workin as waitress b too "gao nan du" for me?? i'm so clumsy n blur sometimes.. hehe.. give me so suggestions ba! (^.^)

    <3 5:58 PM

    Thursday, November 03, 2005

    Today, i'm havin a really big mood swing.. from upset to frastration.. from frastration to anger.. from anger to sadness.. as well as, things that I need not to know..

    Having knowing, my sister had sort of quarrelling with my parents.. I wanna help my sis to tell my parents about what she had tell me, which is her thoughts on that matter they r quarellin abt.. But i juz could not help anythin.. wanna wake my sis up today, afraidin she late for her work again.. and afraid my parents and her quarrel again.. I believe she would wakes up and went to work.. But in the end, I get to know tt she didnt.. quite upset in the mornin.. Becos quite upset, thinkin of playin online game.. in the end, as i played, someone in the game spoiled my mood again.. Feelin damn frastration and angry.. Next, i get to know my another cousin genna bullied by MJ.. (although dunoe how the idoitic gal bullied her la.. but i juz dun like my family genna bullied) Feel like tearing those people who bullied my cousin and me (before), into pieces and pieces..

    Avoidin my "volcano eruptin" at any time, i played "Bejewel 2", to shift my concentration on things that makes me unhappy.. It did help.. But in the end, one of my friend, havin problems in her family and relaltionship.. she is quite a permisstic gal.. Keep talking things like "nobody will know, even if i die", "nobody cares about me".. Still askin me "wad would happen if a person had take in too much of Panadols and drinks??".. When I saw these words, i had an annoying feelin.. Is like "what for tellin and askin me abt things tt might lead to death??".. Wad for people would wanna die because of matter that does not worth for the percious life?? She still said her life is full of dirts..

    I flared.. i juz couldn't control myself of usin harsh words on her.. Thinking of, why a person would be so foolish of wantin to end her life like that.. Even knowing that there is people out there, because of wantin to survive, they would face matters that they dont like to.. Keep on runnin away from the reality, thinkin of dying, does it really solve problems?? To me, i think its juz makin the people around to b upset about things that had troubled one's.. Dying does not solve any problems..

    Thinkin of surviving and face things tt one's dun like, that reminds me of i'm having Epilisy.. (I'm not afraid of people knowin about it..)Thinkin of having this illness, my moods swings to the lowest.. Although it might not be a big deal for some people out there.. Cos their situation might b more serious than me.. I can still tell u that the feeling of takin in medicine is not good at all..

    No point dyin, if one's have not completely see the beauty of this world.. U might think tt, no money how to see this world.. ya.. But at least u can feel it ba.. Havin a walk along the seaside, feelin wind blowin in the middle of the night.. U might b able to see how things had changed, how things can be beautiful and etc.. If u still couldn't agree with me, but at least u can tried to feel it.. Nothing is impossible, until you've tried it.. Believe this..

    <3 9:32 AM