

Wanna g0 f0r Part-t1m3 j0b


Th3 Gang 0f 5
Kah F0ng


Image: sxc
Designer: willy

|V|y Fr13nds

  • Th3 G4ng 0f 5
  • Stacy
  • Shu Fang
  • Jasp3r Ch3n
  • Ch0ng Y33
  • Char1s
  • Kah F0ng
  • L1nda
  • Jung
  • Ang3l1n3
  • L1 M1n
  • L1 |1ng
  • S13w P1n
  • J1a m1n
  • Mun K30ng
  • Ca1gary
  • Hit It

  • July 2005
  • August 2005
  • September 2005
  • November 2005
  • December 2005
  • January 2006
  • March 2006
  • May 2006
  • July 2006
  • August 2006
  • September 2006
  • October 2006
  • November 2006
  • December 2006

  • Th3 cHatt1n Plac3

    Sunday, July 30, 2006

    ha~ today is sun o.. at tis time is a sunday nite.. LOLX too bo liao le.. bo bian.. lolx

    today wanna go swimmin, then go movie, then go find my sis.. hehe.. but cos the swimmin time i ask for is too early le.. end up me n hk dun feel like goin.. although im the one givin her the mornin call.. hehe... but end up 2 piggies hav the same tots o... lolx

    so i went for some more slp, i slp until 11+ ba.. then was thinkin of KH lots.. hehe.. =X end up he is slpin in his friend's hse.. n he 4gt to charge his hp, so we juz talk abt 2min then auti hang up le.. so i wait his sms.. waitin again.. >.<>.<

    so me n him chat until 12pm ba.. hav to hang up le.. cos wanna go watch movie wif my friends.. hehe.. so my friends n i meet at 1.30 at PS mcdonald, for Dragon Tiger Gate.. LOLX cos of the title is sorta direct translation de.. then my friend say y nt call it Dragon Tiger Door.. i think awhile.. then say, "aiya~ cos 'gate' sounds beta than 'door' ma.. LOLX" stupid reason.. wadever~

    so wer walk ard in the PS, then like out of nowhere like tt.. lolx.. but fun, when we reach arcade.. i sorta 1st time seein my friends play the hookin soft toys de machine.. LOLX very qi gek o!! cos seein the toy is within the hook le.. end up! ta nai nai de xiong!! it drop back to where it is.. ~!@#%^&*()_ LOLX

    i was like "O MAN! AIYa~!~!" LOLX fun.. then awhile more, we went to buy some snack for the movie.. hehe.. cos my friends treat me nacho n drink n the movie tix o... so ps.. i wanna pay back de.. but... >.< FRIENDS~ NEXT TIME WADEVER THING MUZ SHARE SHARE PAY O, REGARDLESS OF AGE~ lolx.. hehe..

    the movie quite nt bad la.. but when the actor "Zhen Zhi Dan" come out, on tt spot i say "diaoz" until very loud.. then my friends were like lookin at me at~~ duno hw to describe tt "yan shen".. LOLX make me so ps.. >.< cos i diaoz until very loud ma, so i quickly cover my mouth.. LOLX i "diaoz" is bcos of tt actor de hair sooooooooooo.... duno is funny, or i help him feel it awkard.. LOLX so funny.. hahaha

    after movie, we went to PC Punk to take a look.. cool!! saw an auntie wif a char lvl of lvl 90++ o.. i grasped on tt spot, n wanted to laugh out de.. but feelin it to b quite rude lo.. wo i quite myself in a "ahm chio" mode.. omg.. "ahm chio" really nt gd o.. cos really feel it very xin ku neh!~! but WOW~ auntie wif a lvl90 de char.. cool~ even me nt so power sia.. PRO!! LOLX hahah.. nt suannin.. but really la.. LI HAI (thumbs up)

    then after tt, i go meet my sis le.. hehe end up 7+ then reach home lo.. haha.. after goin home, do some wash up.. cos feelin my body very sticky.. eeeeeks >.<

    after bath, gt a sms frm malaysia de.. i was wonder who was it o.. end up i get to noe it might b my er shen.. haiz... duno wad is goin wif my family nw... im juz worried abt my little cousins.. duno wad to do o.. aiya.. dun talk abt tis.. ^^

    o ya.. tt sms.. haha.. sawin tt sms, it start to reminds me of those friends i had sorta left out de.. gt charis, linda, kah fong, shi min, juliana, angeline, little piggy(adrian).. miss u guyz sia~.. but im sry abt anythin if i had make u all feel unimpt.. >.< cos recently im sorta busy.. duno la.. aiya.. say busy also nt busy.. cos at nite play maple, then end up on mon n sun will b chiongin stupid proj.. sian lo.. haiz.. i wanna a break!!! quickly holiday!!! then see hw.. heheheehehhehee (you ying mo.. hhohooh)

    haiz.. today dint sorta react wif KH much.. miss him much much.. he is slpin nw.. dun wanna wake up from his sweet dreams.. hehe.. when the time i touched my comp its already 10++ le.. then see the time sorta late, then dun wanna call him le.. cos he sure cANt slp, if i called him at tis moment.. then dawn again.. i dun wan him like tt.. >.< zhu tou... haiz..

    n o, lately i keep on rbm the wrong time of meetin wif my friends o.. end up... -.- on last fri, i tot i meet limin at 12.30... end up, i shld meet her at 11.30 de.. somemore tt time is i set de lo.. n yet im late for 1hr!!!! im sry, limin.. >.<>.<

    ok lo.. i'll stop here.. hehehe.. seems to b like a long one.. but duno long anot.. LOLX ps.. im tokin c0ck nw.. lolx.. kuku me.. >.<

    <3 11:11 PM

    Saturday, July 29, 2006

    t0day is a normal saturday.. LOLX well.. today o, i juz log in my msn nia.. then a gal, who had sorta betrayed me b4 de, msn me.. l3ts call tt gal XY ba..

    XY: hi.
    XY: how's ya?long time no c

    M3 M3: harlo
    M3 M3: ok la.. haha
    XY: hehe.
    M3 M3: ?? (cos she like hehe until abit freaky)
    XY: next time jio huai kuan thEy all thn we all gO out. . haha
    M3 M3: o but i dun feel like goin out wif u o.

    until then.. i was feel it freaky lo.. goin out wif smone i dun like.. i dun wan.. like tt i onli will like betrayin wad my heart is thinkin nia.. i noe muz care abt someone's feelin, but there's sometimes tt u wun wanna care abt a person tt u dun like.. or knowin tt the person is nt truly wanna be frien wif u, juz wanna make use of u nia..

    think of tt, im sick of it.. EEKS! hate tt kind of person, nt real hearted wanna make friends.. Or knowin that u n her/him nt close then still wanna act close to u.. so sickenin.. as in "knowin tt u n her/him nt close", its like dint talk at all de, then end up duno is happy happy, or too bo liao le.. wanna act close.. n O MAN! PLS.. CUT TT OUT.. I DUN EAT TIS..

    when she gt my reply, she very wu nai de "dotz dotz dotz"...

    XY: . . .
    M3 M3: ^^ i juz b frank, dun wanna tell lies ^^

    XY: o . .as u wish thn
    M3 M3: k thx

    then i was like abit heck care wad would happen to me le.. anyway, me n her dint meet, call nor close lo.. i dun care the hell of wad she is thinkin..

    nt close wanna act close, i *PUI*.. somemore wad she did to me in the past, make me feel miserable and etc, i wun 4gt le lo.. she can put it in the past, i cant.. wanna act nth happen, i cant... juz cant 4give betrayer..

    mayb u might think tt i shld let bygones be bygones.. but sometimes, i juz cant let it be.. as in dun like ppl act friendly, behind backstabbin ppl like mad.. i think tis kind of ppl sux the most lo.. like .. duno wad to describe.. juz hate ppl like tt.. n she is the one doin some idiotic stuff, yet denied everythin.. pushin all the faults to others... wad the hell.. and too many le.. i dunno wad else to say tis kind ppl.. ppl treat her as best friend, she leh!? treat ppl like shit..

    <3 11:01 PM

    Wednesday, July 26, 2006

    yesterday, KH havin mood swing ba.. mayb bcos i said, "sry dear, i duno wad topic to chat le.." then think again.. its sad to be couples, yet nth to talk abt ba.. haiz..

    then ytd, he gt his mood swing o.. really let me noe tt, he will reveal "the feelin of wantin to cry" to me.. hehe.. quite happy o.. meanwhile feelin sad..

    he is helpless lo.. cos he retained for yr 1, then end up... sorta hav to study alone... he is stressed.. i wanted to help.. but i cant do anythin to help him.. im sad.. i cant do anythin to console him.. but on the other hand, i quite worry tt im the one stressin him..

    seein him so helpless, make me feel like wanna go find him more.. haiz.. i duno shld i go find him anot.. the day of his bday, is my holiday.. thinkin of wantin to give him some surprise.. or if can, wanna celebrate his bday.. hehe.. but thinkin of if goin overseas, hav to worry abt many many things.. like m i goin alone?? hw to tell my mum abt goin to msia.. n etc.. aRH~~~ FAN ARh~!~!~

    sian.. y so many things to consider.. hav to consider my sis de comment, my mum, $$ tis n tt.. haiz.. troublesome.. -.-

    wad can i do to acc him?? wad can i do to make him dun feel so helpless?? seein him like tt, i really quite heartache.. he is studyin alone away from his hometown.. nt like me.. sg is small, if i gt any trouble, i can ask my cousin for help.. he cant.. like a general goin to war without army.. LOLX.. wa.. nice description.. haha.. haiz..

    Anyone can help me ma?? or give me some suggestion.. can?? im abit lost.. lolx. *~SOS~*

    <3 12:37 PM

    Thursday, July 20, 2006

    im so fuck up sia.. nb.. tt effcom tcher.. c0ck lo.. cb..

    tis is wad happen.. i gt go for lesson on 8-7-2006 de effcom.. think im late ba.. then she mark me absent.. wad sia.. __

    then juz nw.. damn shit her lo.. Nb.. when lesson ends.. i juz dint push in the chair.. then she ask me push in the chair.. im ok wif it.. cos im the one sittin the chair ma.. next.. i gt put the headphone back to the on top of the CPU.. then the fuckin conversation start le..

    Tcher: "hui yee, put the headphone back to the CPU. y u such an untidy gal?"
    M3: "huh?? i put back le ma.."(im blur)
    tcher: "did u??"
    M3: "ya.. i did.. neh.. (im pointin to the headphone im usin) tt headphone nt i use de.. wad sia.. i dint touch it lo..(nt put back to place de..)"
    tcher: "izzt?? then who the one usin o??"
    M3: "hw i noe o?? (walkin out the rm.. damn fuck up)"

    then out of the classrm, i was like swearin all the way.. wad sia.. hate gena accused de.. end up.. tmd.. she accused me.. although small matter la.. but still dun like the way of being accused lo.. sux sia,.. ARGH..

    <3 4:07 PM

    Wednesday, July 12, 2006

    hehe.. today de title is xing fu de wo.. LOLX.. crazy me.. wadever la~

    well, wana declare tt after tt day de " burning midnite oil" for project, kh say he might nt b attendin his lesson.. but END UP!! yeah!! he went for his lesson.. im nt sure until wad time la.. but he started at 9 then ended early too ba.. then i ask him tt after lesson then go back to slp lo.. then end up he then wake up at 5+.. received his sms when i was on the mrt, dozin off.. LOLX wa.. really very tired lo.. hehe..

    theen ytd duno y o.. i think i mood swing again ba.. hehe.. cos ytd when we chattin, we were talkin abt tt i might nt b goin to KL to find him lo.. as in, he is studyin in perak la.. but he is willin to meet me at KL lo.. quite near ba i think. i also nt sure.. haha..

    anyway, we were talkin abt tt lo.. then i tell him tt i feel quite stress lo.. wan him by my side lo.. then below is the conversation tt i can roughly rbm lo..
    KH:"ok.. then i stop my lesson.. go sg.."
    M3: "huh?! cannot.."
    KH: "y?? u dun wan me lo?"
    KH: "i wanna cry liao"
    M3: "no la.. i dun mean tt.."
    M3: "dear.. sayang la.. dun cry dun cry.."
    M3: "ok ok.. i promise u tt i dun talk abt needin u at my side le.."
    M3: "dear, sayang k~~"
    KH: "my face wet liao.."
    KH: "nvm.. nt ur fault.. i luv to cry"
    M3: "wa!! dear dear.. i promise le la.. dun cry.. bie ku bie ku.."

    then duno y.. my hands itchy again.. then call him lo.. wakao.. then duno y o.. i really feel he is cryin lo.. end up tellin me tt he is nt.. then tt sniffin of his like more n more clear lo.. i knew he is cryin.. =.=

    then durin tt conversation i was cryin too lo.. diaoz* duno y... actually me is so damn ham bao de lo, but duno start frm when dint cry much le.. LOLX.. then nw i like tt again.. hehe.. then i found tt he might quite a ham bao too.. omg.. so cute.. LOLX

    but i juz wan him to complete his studies ma.. studyin tourism n management neh.. then dun study wasted lo.. =.= wan him study properly.. then at least gt a cert.. at least find job wun b so difficult ma.. lao gong, jia you o..

    then ytd b4 slp, i went to buy a heart megaphone usin my storage.. then i on my main char n use tt megaphone lo.. the content is..... LOLX very mushy de.. LOLX.. dun say 1st.. hehe.. if u wanna noe, tag me.. then see hw the respond goes.. wakakkakakkaka... ps.. LOLX like to gao shen mi.. hohoho...

    but then end up!! wakao!! he dint see wad i type... -.- *strangle him strangle him strangle him* LOLX (wo she bu de de la.. the most bite him nia.. LOLX)

    then currently is wif limin doin web appli proj.. but i no heart to do lo.. sian.. then lata might b goin for a swim wif a frien ba.. haha.. might b ba.. cos duno wanna do until when.. ps o, hk.. hahaha..

    ok lo.. i stop here le.. hehe.. wanna go find him.. thinkin of goin alone ba.. wanna save $$ nw le.. hehehe.. although knowin tt gals shldnt b too zhu dong.. but bo bian.. tis is me.. wad i really hop3 to hav, will try to reach it.. haiz.. goin alone.. hahaha.. anyone wana go wif me ma?? to KL, most probably on sept or oct or nov.. inform me lo..

    cos i asked my da jie le.. she say ok.. but on 1 condition is, ah di n er jie is goin.. if nt she wun go.. =.=

    hop3 they will go lo.. n nw.. im tryin to ask my sis n bro le lo.. hope i can success ba.. hehe

    <3 2:15 PM

    Tuesday, July 11, 2006

    hehe.. woot~ i shld be finding some research by then de.. but really lo.. too sian le.. so give myself a plac3 to fa xie yi xia!! woot! nw feel more beta.. h3h3..

    hmm.. ytd o, was thinkin of finish up the entire wrtoral thingy de.. but really feel stress lo.. then end up my hubby (kh) and adrian keep on encourage me.. but still lo.. i noe i sound very sian ytd.. ps o >.<

    hehe.. and o, kh noe tt im doin my proj n stressin myself out too much.. so he say he acc me throughout the nite lo.. but he playin maple.. -.-
    bo bian.. he is in cc, too wasted if he is in cc n chattin wif me in msn.. hehe.. he also tot of if he on msn, i also cant concentrate... so he play maple, i do proj.. =.=

    !@#$%^&*() he enjoying, yet im doin proj.. but its gd enuff tt he sorta acc throughout the nite lo.. sweet of him.. hehehe.. but until 2+, i really too stress out le.. so i decided to slp in the living r00m until 5.30 lo.. then end up 4+ mama wake up, then see me scratchin, cos mosquito bite bite.. >.< so itchy, stupid bug.. @#$%^&* Xp

    then end up when i woke up at 5+, wa!! he still online in maple.. 0.0 na ta mei ban fa.. somemore, he gt sch today lo.. then he wanna skip lesson again -.- shou bu niao ta~
    so i continue wif my draft lo.. haiz.. mainly is gina n limin doin tt wrtoral proj.. n me.. nt more contribution.. -.- so useless.. limin and gina, im hereby to say very sry to the 2 of u.. >.<

    n o tis makes me wonder.. he dun like to study or wad ma?? haiz.. but he promise me le!!! >.<

    zhu tou, shuo hua yao suan hua.. bu ran bu gen ni hao le.. f3 f3 f3 (maple face) hohho..

    hmm.. wa! break record.. LOLX i 1st time write my post within 10 min.. wakakakaak

    <3 7:33 AM

    Friday, July 07, 2006

    hehe.. gt a news o~~ cos im studyin in a poly which is damn far away from my home arh.. then o, sis is shiftin to somewhere near my poly le ma.. so im able to hav my very 1st own r00m lo~!~!~

    hehe.. wanna b a lightbulb in my sis n her hubby new weddin' life~~ wadever.. im so bad~~ a destroyer of atmosphere also.. LOLX

    n o!! i wan my r00m painted purple!! n the ceiling is a blur one.. i hope.. heheh.. LOLX.. rofl..

    btw, im on a phone wif hq lo.. then walao!! he say he an heard me typing..
    LOLx.. wadever.. i've tell HQ tt im goin clubbin tonite to celebrate XHJ's bday.. n too bad~~~~~ ah di n HQ cant go.. wakakakakakakaka... OLD WOMAN RULEX!!! LOLX

    and im currently in the web appli access lab lo.. wanna do proj de.. end up none of the gals in my gp is eager to do nw, including me.. wakakakaka.. then end up updatin blog, then chattin n blah blah blah.....

    <3 2:47 PM

    LOLX.. duno wad title to put.. ok.. nw o.. wanna tell u guyz n gals, me n sx r over le.. on the day of 26/05/2006.. then accept kh completely on the very next day.. haiz.. like so bitchy sia.. wadever.. LOLX

    then my char marry kh de char on the 11/06/2006.. wanna remember every bits of the day of my life.. LOLx.. wadever~!~! =X

    then kh sorta treat me quite well.. but i nvr feel enough ba.. hehe.. im greedy little pig.. Xp hohoho.. LOLx

    i noe.. he wanna give me all he can.. but cos of the dist, he cant give me enuff ba.. haha.. then i have asked him to complete his studies, then we meet or wad de.. but he is slackin whole way through.. i cant stand it sometimes.. feel myself an auntie naggin.. LOLx.. wad he say was, he wanna skip school then come sg find me.. but i dun wan lo.. i wan him to complete his studies.. then gt the ability to yang wo ma~~ LOLX.. ROFL

    I WANNA B A TAI TAI~~ LOLX.. jk de la.. juz hope my hubby will luv me all he can, n acc me whole way through N most impt, treat me gd gd~~ >"< (floatin in my lala land~~~) LOLX

    haiz.. duno la.. sometimes things might nt b as smooth as we think.. tis is life man~~ full of obstacles n blah blah blah... wadever~~

    <3 2:21 PM