

Wanna g0 f0r Part-t1m3 j0b


Th3 Gang 0f 5
Kah F0ng


Image: sxc
Designer: willy

|V|y Fr13nds

  • Th3 G4ng 0f 5
  • Stacy
  • Shu Fang
  • Jasp3r Ch3n
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  • Ca1gary
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  • Th3 cHatt1n Plac3

    Monday, August 28, 2006

    i m supposed to b studyin for engfund de.. but i really no much mood in study tt.. haiz.. n i think i hav hurt KH juz nw.. i m such an idiot...

    cos durin the afternoon, was on the way to a place wif my da jie.. she told me alot of things, which sorta is bro-in-law (da jie's hus) told her de.. in a sense is like askin her to pass those words to me.. cos me n him seldom talks much.. juz tt he sees me like always call KH, he quite scare tt i might get hurt or wad.. cos in a sense like, if a gal put in too much feelings, in the end she might b the one tt is hurt.. u might think tt he hav a old fashion thinkin ba.. but he seems like dun wan me get hurt, and cryin like mad ba.. (things heard frm da jie makes me feel tt bro-in-law quite care for me..)

    wad my da jie told me is if a guy really loves u, he will call u instead of u callin him.. and nt onli tt, he might b abit heartache if he sees the gal he loved spendin money on him.. and he might b sacrifies many things for the gal he likes.. guyz can b tellin white lies to entertainin gals who likes and callin up him.. and many more..

    n heardin these.. my mind start to spinnin ard.. thinkin many things.. mayb unable to meet makes me feel tt it is unstable and insecure.. but he can give me, he gave le.. as in try to accompany me in maple.. as in nw, he is unable to b my side so use maple as a subsitution.. he is tryin to make me happy in many limited ways.. for example, help me chiong to lvl70 when im lvl 69, and help me do the job advance in 1 night(maple)... although the outcome of tis make me quite annoyed, as i ask him to slp early.. in the end he slpt at 12 noon, the very next day.. tt time i really flare up.. but think of him wantin to give me a surprise and make me happy.. i feel him abit like silly boy like tt de... and many more.. cant rbm at once.. but wad he did sometimes really touched me...

    n juz nw, i hurt him.. 1st sms is like, he ask me to call for 5mins as he really miss me very much.. when i replied him tis sms, i juz one sentence askin him "then can u call me??"

    then he replied tt he wanted to give me a surprise de.. usin his frien's phone to call me.. then he paid his frien the $$ and tellin me callin me the next day.. at tt moment, i was thinkin y he dun use his hp to call straight away?? y wanna use his frien de.. izzt tt he dun wanna his mum to noe or wad ma?? or wad?? i was quite sad at tt moment, as i recalled wad da jie told me in the afternoon.. but still i called him, but he hanged up my phone.. i was like wad the..

    then i use sms to reply him tt "nvm ba.. its ok de.. no need to call me le.. u slp early ba.. " then tot tt he might nt reply me le.. but end up he did..

    he replied "sry abt tt. i swear i really decided call u tml b4 u ask me call. haiz. u dun trust nvm. call u tml. thkz my dear. dun wan u call is my idea. nw ask u call>.<" (ps o.. his english abit... ahem.. can understand wad he mean ma?? >.<)

    but end up i replied him tt "nvm, zhu zhu.. leave me alone for 3days, can?? as i need some time to digest smth (wad da jie told me abt.. but i dint tell him tt is da jie told me de..)"

    then in his mind was like he tot tt im askin for a break like tt.. -.- and sayin tt he dun dare to love anymore if he lose me.. =.=''''' which i dun hav that meanin, but i really wanna digest wad da jie told me.. and i think cos of askin him to give me 3days to digest the things is abit like hurtin him.. cos 3days to him is long.. n he say he waits for my sms when i m ready.. in the sms, he is hintin tt he is cryin.. which reminds me of da jie sayin, he might b actin and sort.. but i dun think tt he is actin.. i duno.. start to feel tt he is a fragile person, easily get broken.. makes me feel like takin care of him..

    i duno wad i m doin sia.. dun wanna hurt him.. wana think abt our relation is like a stable one ma?? a unstable one ma.. i duno.. start to feel myself so stupid sia.. abit like gosh.. wad the hell im doin.. anyone can give me any advice ma?? advice on, whether lettin the relation goes by natural.. or wad.. i duno.. i scare will like wad da jie is sayin.. i scare he gets hurt.. im afraid of alot of things.. which makes me feel tt im so kuku.. =.= haiz.. anyone pls..... help...... advice....

    <3 2:44 AM

    Tuesday, August 22, 2006

    well~ today nth much to blog la.. juz that today Mun Keong show me a click which is quite nice de.. its the reactivity between diet coke & mentos o.. quite nice.. hehehe ^^ if u r interested to see it click here.. Xp

    <3 7:55 PM

    Friday, August 18, 2006

    haiz.. im t1r3d yet, duno y.. yet, i cant slp when really a restin time for me.. yet im able to fall aslp durin lesson.. haiz.. mayb juz nw tt tcher de class, i dun understand wad he is talkin includin im really feelin slpy.. gosh..

    juz nw read HQ's blog.. HEY HEY~~ im nt reluctant abt watchin movie la.. juz feel abit tired.. haiz.. wadever... btw, i had spoilted my bro's lappy few days ago.. and it fixed.. hehe.. =X im sry, bro.. accident lai de..

    these few days, An An start to sms me.. i noe tt she treats me as a gd frien till nw.. but i seems to be like givin her a cold shoulder since sec sch graduates.. i duno.. i sorta still treat her as a frien or smth ba.. but duno leh.. actually im quite surprised that she would sms me.. cos we really like no contact for a long period of time le.. like more than half a yr ba..

    haiz.. im tired.. >.<>

    and juz nw we gt the last java lesson.. and im really damn pissed wif tt tcher.. she can come into class "SO" not punctual, yet she is "SO" punctual for deductin marks since 11am.. gosh.. im really pissed.. then nvm.. my program is able to work de.. but when she wan me present to her, it dint worked, i wana delete some of the codes, yet she ask me to transfer tt CspInput to the D DRIVE.. then i told her tt its not the prob of tt input thingy, its the problem wif my codes.. nt tt.. then she insisted that cos i dint put tt input thingy into that drive.. GOSH!! i really wanna vomit blood le.. kao.. then nvm.. so i juz pushed myself usin a better tone to talk to her.. then in the end, im able to finish the talkin wif some of the marks deducted.. cos i presented after 11am, so she deducted my marks.. FINE.. i dun care much le.. sui bian la.. haiz.. sick of it..

    and cos tis java thingy, yesterday i dint eat my lunch. tis makes me go hungry and havin headache (cos of the java codes), till i like feel so pek cek and hav a feelin of smashin the comp.. -.- haiz.. tired.. really like will explode anytime like tt..

    ard 6+pm, me n limin decided to stop the java and continue today.. as we gt a date wif belv, gina and guan hui for catchin a movie.. cos its thursday, so im stayin in bedok (sis's home).. so im alrite wif goin a movie of 7.30pm.. tt time also i suggested de.. we went to hav dinner at mcd.. then go for the movie le.. we watched "Ghose Game" thailand movie.. quite ok la.. i gt shocked for a few times.. haha.. suku.. -.-

    when i reached hm, quite late le.. after bath, bro-in-law cut kiwi~!!~ yea!! i <3>.< then i go play maple le.. and gt to play until ard 3am.. then i gt some screenshot when playin maple wif my hubby.. opps =X i mean KH.. hehehe.. =X

    then below post is abt the screenshot i hav taken de..hehe.. i feel it quite nice.. >.< Xp

    <3 1:35 PM

    LOLX tis pic is taken yesterday, when KH n me are playing the omok game in maple... hehehe.. he is really a great player in omok game. The above pic is created by he and me de.. hehe.. cute ma?? hohoh.. but it is edited by me de la.. LOLX

    tt dark dark box in the middle actually is the box frm the side de.. but i edited it to the middle of the heart.. hehe.. then i type smth, he say me "qiang jing tou".. cos he wan me screenshot dwn of that capital letters word.. then i dint know ma, so when he type the words, i also type arh.. so he say me qiang jing tou.. -.- *kick his butt*

    and he wan me help him upload that pic for him.. but i duno he like it anot lo.. aiyo..

    and o! i realise that the very last time, i posted my letter to him, I DINT WRITE HIS NAME ON THE ENVELOP!~! LOLX i still worry that he will got the letter anot, cos dun hav his name on it.. lolx.. then he say that, dun worry.. cos the people know him, so dun worry about the letters wun b sent to him.. then my reaction was like, "orh.. really o?? " LOLX like dun wana give him face like tt.. lolx.. haiz.. wadever la... juz hope that he can really able to recieve that letter.. >.<

    <3 9:25 AM

    Friday, August 11, 2006

    hmm.. ytd nite, i juz finish writin the 4th letter for him.. start to write letters to him since last mth ba..

    its Yiwen suggested de.. then i was like mayb quite a gd idea ba.. cos its like addin some ingredients into a relationship, like tt the relationship wun b bored ba.. or even prevent it to become bland.. >.<

    duno o.. i really think that holdin onto a relationship, we hav to add in "pepper", "salt" and etc into it.. if nt it will go bland de.. juz like cookin food, in order to make it taste marvellous, we hav to add in some spices, seasonin and etc... relationship is also smth like tt ba..

    hav to balance everythin is hard.. wana accompany friends but meanwhile, i wan him to noe tt i cares abt him also.. but its seems to b hard.. cos i often neglected my cousins, friends and sistas~.. sry gals and guyz... >.<

    haiz.. and ytd was the national day meanwhile also da jie's hse warmin day.. haha.. actually quite b_ _ _ _.. luckily gt er jie they all accompany me.. if nt i will b b_ _ _ _ to death.. and saw a lady, wa biang!!! damn her sia.. treat tt as her bed, nvm.. but nai nai ge xiong.. walao, she juz put my pillow as a cushion for her to lay until very comfortabel.. nt onli tt, she make my blanket until......... ARGH@!#!#!@#!@#!@#!@#

    then i very dulan, so i juz went into the room, then take my pillow away.. tt's when she is nt ard la.. cos if juz take when she is there is sorta rude.. quite nt givin face to my sis n bro-in-law.. haiz..

    anyway, limin hav juz finish the uploadin of our website o.. heheh.. here goes the webby address.. >.<

    my group de : click here
    belvin group de : click here

    belvin grp de very nice o!! its abt pets de.. but nice o!! hehehe.. =X

    ok.. i'll stop here le.. goin to meet belvin's for the remedial lesson held by belvin.. Xp

    <3 2:07 PM

    Thursday, August 03, 2006

    well.. tis post i juz write cos im late again for the EFFCOM.. nt i wan de.. cos i talk on phone until 4gt the time and here goes the late late late part.. haha..

    actually when i reach sch its about 1.15pm le.. n think again, im late.. and hav to see that woman's "face c0l0r"... Awww man... sickenin.. GRRRRR... so i decided to come straight to the COMPROG lab.. it feels beta lo.. cos no need to see people face.. haiz.. i think i rather b marked as absent than late.. although ppl will say that "late better than never".. but in ways, i rather keep myself absent lo.. cos if im late, tt woman sure will say smth de.. and tis make me feel so _ _ _ _ _(fill in blank wif correct ans).. and due to my temper, i sure will buay tahan.. n i duno wad i will do.. might b more rebellion ba.. so childish rite?? i noe.. but in some ways, juz dun wanna b nag.. haha.. haiz...

    LOLX nw then i gt to noe tt Yiwen also dint go.. LOLX then when my class come for COMPROG.. belvin papa "tsk tsk tsk" at me.. F4 F4 F4 F4(MAPLE FACE) lolx... then i say nt i dun wanna go.. but im late 4 it.. then cos late hav to see ppl face.. i dun wan!@!@! then i rather come to lab lo.. n blog =X heheh..

    n o dear.. my lips seems to b like nt in gd condition for these few days.. i also duno wad happen.. end up i hav to put lip oil nw n then.. so ma fan.. *mumbles @#$%^&*()*

    ok la.. i shall stop here le.. cos tcher hav come le.. hehe.. quite like tt tcher.. she quite nice.. hav quite alot of patience de gan jue.. hehe.. ok lo.. i needa to my comp prog thingy le.. cya~

    <3 1:50 PM

    yesterday, we gt a talk from a malay guy called Safari(if i dint remember wrongly).. hehhe.. and he talk about hw we can be successful in some ways.. like the Law Of Attraction, the Burning Desire and a energy somethin de.. come rbm tt part.. LOLX but im nt bad wor~ still can remember the quotation below.. hehe.. somemore is i remind limin de.. hohohohoho.. but of cos la.. she go find the correct one and i copy paste from her blog.. hoho.. =X

    Here goes the quotation:
    Watch your thoughts; they become your words.
    Watch your words; they become your actions.
    Watch your actions; they become your habits.
    Watch your habits; they become your destiny.

    hehe.. nice one rite?? well, tis kind of quotation u really hav to use heart to und3rstand, then u will noe wad it is all about..

    well, i really like tis quotation lo.. cos i think it is reasonable in some ways.. as in nt reasonable la.. in fact it is sorta "Way" to lead us to a better destiny or smth.. many people might think that "O man~! destiny is nt within our hands, but its God" or smth... i agree tis too.. in some sense.. but nt the God part la.. cos due to "fate", we might b able to meet some "you yuan ren".. but hav u ever think of, fate lead us to meet them but its our choice who wanna get close to these people.. its juz a matter of thoughts that lead us to tis "destiny".. "Fate" is juz a choice for us to choose "Yes and No" onli..

    Destiny juz lies on our hands, but nt others.. cos its UR destiny, nt OTHER's destiny.. but U hav the rights to choose WHICH type of destiny u wanna have..

    as for the Burning Desire part, its juz a Desire inside of u which produces the energy and compassion towards some of the things. for example, if u r interested in the course, most of the time u will have the heart to study that course which is automatically one.. no need people to nag at u n blah blah blah~.. and in tis way, u will gt gd grades la and etc, therefore, make people look towards u.. tis goes to the Law Of Attraction le.. hehe

    but if ur Burning Desire does not meet the correct matter, u might juz be strugglin the whole way through.. or smth else.. i duno.. haha..

    and he taught me that no matter wad happens, a $5 note is a 5dollars note.. it cant b changed... juz that after being crushed, folded, threwn and stepped (he stomp on the $5 note on the spot.. LOLX).. its the choice of that $5 note wanted to keep folded, or even unfolded by itself or others onli.. as everyone has its own talent(i strongly agree wif tis).. juz that u hav found ur tt special talent anot... it might nt b a easy way to find tis talent of urs, but still life hav to go on.. so use all ur might to find tis talent and use it wisely.. ^^

    well.. i will stop here ba.. goin for the next post.. hehe.. juz wanna write tis b4 i 4gt wad i hav learnt from Safari.. his talk is quite nice.. and its quite fun lo.. for wad i think la.. ^^v

    <3 2:34 AM