

Wanna g0 f0r Part-t1m3 j0b


Th3 Gang 0f 5
Kah F0ng


Image: sxc
Designer: willy

|V|y Fr13nds

  • Th3 G4ng 0f 5
  • Stacy
  • Shu Fang
  • Jasp3r Ch3n
  • Ch0ng Y33
  • Char1s
  • Kah F0ng
  • L1nda
  • Jung
  • Ang3l1n3
  • L1 M1n
  • L1 |1ng
  • S13w P1n
  • J1a m1n
  • Mun K30ng
  • Ca1gary
  • Hit It

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  • Th3 cHatt1n Plac3

    Saturday, September 30, 2006

    haiz.. today talk to my er jie in msn.. i duno y, actually i gt quite upset.. cos i told her tt i wanna go find KH alone.. but she say very dangerous, n dun let me go..

    eventually many people quite object about me goin to see him.. i think cos he is a msian ba.. and mayb in my family's view, they might onli see that im the one contributing.. actually he did contribute in this relationship.. but mayb i might SHOW it much much much more than he does.. but tt doesnt mean tt he does not luv me as much as i does ma..

    but i juz wanna see him once more.. at least stay together a few days before sch reopens.. juz hope we can get a normal lovers life arh... Seeing couples go watch movie together, i also i can watch a movie wif him... Chatting freely wif my bf, also my dream.. (if nt my phone bill wun bomb like hell le.. haha) but no one seems to noe or notice.. in other eyes, i might juz b talkative.. but without communication, alot of things wun b workin out..

    i wan my family, friends and him.. i wan it to b balance.. i believe i can work this out.. but in my family eyes, they thought tt KH and friends are more important than them.. in KH's eyes, he thinks that friends and family comes b4 he does... Actually to me, these 3 factors really rocks my world.. so to me, the 3 of them really very important to me..

    but i start to get tired of these.. feel like closin myself up.. dun wanna get connection wif the outside world, wait till he can come to singapore.. Hearing negative advices from my family tired me out of tis freakin world of mine.. although I need support from my family.. But they keep givin me negative advices...

    and today i saw wad my sis types in msn, it hurts me.. although my friend once said tt, "U like then ok le ma.. y care so much about hw people thinks??" at tt time, i juz laugh laugh.. but deep down in my heart, its juz a sentence tt wun b appearin.. cos to me, Family, Friends, Love means lots to me.. u might ask, which one is most important to me.. but i can tell u that i duno.. cos all seems to b like have the same position in my heart.. how can i position which is most important in my heart when all of it hav the very same place in my heart??

    i wanna see him once more.... juz stick wif him a few days.... i wanna go find him... juz wanna find him..........................

    <3 2:08 AM

    Saturday, September 23, 2006

    LOLX!! well.. today i duno wad to do.. so i go friendster and look through wad i gt in the friendster.. then i come to view my testimonial, i come across wad SF give me de testi.. LOLX..

    i then recall tt she gives me lots n lots of testi, but i wana reply.. but i duno wad to write to her.. so i give her a testi of "YOZ YOZ YOZ!! LOLX..here i come~~~... wakakaka... i very sian dunno wad to write..haha... but anyway, thx for ur lots n ots of testi.. although nw i then give u one... but.. dunno leh... i dunno wad to write.. feel like givein u one,. but dunno wad to write.. LOLX... abit out of nowhere.. wakakakak........ok lo.. dun disturb u liao... take care o, my dear(cousin)... MUACKX~~~"

    then she replied me, " hey ba0beii jie...thanks f0r ur testim0nial even th0ugh i dunn0 wat the hell u writing...hahax!! " LOLX

    wad makes me feel it funny, its i mention 3times of " duno wad to write.." then end up, i also duno wad im writin.. so she replied me tt testi.. LOLX roflmao..

    then i run through some of my close friends' testi, i found out 1 thing!!! THAT IS!! LILING ALSO BELVIN'S DAUGHTER LE!!!

    wa!! when tis happens sia?? i duno de.. LOLX papa so bad, i gt 1 sister, u also dint tell me.. sob sob =X LOLX i mention tis in my blog, cos i stunned and blurred when i reads liling's testi.. i was like "papa?? my testi frm papa ma?? Oo? m i lookin at the wrong testi?? " then i double check, then HIYA!~!~!~ LOLX *~stunned~* LOLX

    then i looked through some more testi of mine.. many things like flashin through my mind.. some of it, i found it heart-warmin.. some, i found it funny.. ha~~~ its nice to hav u gals and guyz ard me.. *~Blessed~* >.<

    <3 4:41 AM

    Hehe.. paiseh.. Long time dint blog le.. Too Lazy le.. =X lolx

    Well~ nw have an urge wanna blog becos, I get to meet him le.. N I got the photos frm my frien, which is taken at Genting.. as in, he and I take the photos together de.. hehehe =X

    I’m able to meet him cos i went to genting wif my friends on the 16/09, so I ask him whether he can go genting anot.. He say he can make it.. But im worry about his exam, scare lata he dint able to study tat subject.. cos his paper was on the 18/09, 2-4pm.. (End up he really unable to make it for the paper.. cos he overslept on bus during the return trip.. -.-" then end up he hav to retkae the paper when sch reopens..)

    And on the 17/09, we played some facilities at the outdoor and indoor theme park.. the roller coaster at the outdoor theme park seems so rock lo!! yet i on able to play 1 roller coaster, Go Kart, Pirate Train (a house-like place wif some nt scary statue), flyin de merry-g0-r0und, Caterpillar Monotrail (wasted more than 30mins waitin for tt stupid train.. end up its a 10mins travel..), and a few more, which i cant recall le.. i onli noe tt i dint go for wad i really wan.. cos of queueing up wasted the time, and the weather suddenly turn bad at early evening.. dotz..

    When we met, at 1st we quite paiseh na.. But after awhile.. We hold hands le.. >"< color="#330099">1 towel, RM55 lo.. AND HOR!! he accompany me walk all over the First World Hotel, yet!! We cant find 1 towel lo.. Then u will wonder where we able to find tt bloody towel de ba.. WELL~ let me tell u, we found it at a shop juz rite below our hotel room!!!! ROAR~~

    u might wonder, "oo.. a shop rite below at the room.. ok wad~!" U noe wad?! The stupid First World Hotel de Shoppin Mall is like so FAR~~ awhile frm tt tower where we r slpin de norx.. AND HOR!! THAT MALL IS SOOOOOOOOOO BIG!! YET CANT FIND A SINGLE TOWEL!! wad the hell lo.. BIG as in, inside the mall can hav a rock climbin facilities, which is on the 3rd floor.. 1st Floor has a indoor theme park + shops + restaurants + shop booths + cinema.. As for the 2nd floor, it is 2 indoor theme park facilities plus many many shops n restaurants norx..

    u say na.. this one big anot?~! YET CANT FIND 1 TOWEL.. and hor!! Shops and restaurants over there really chops people de norx.. DAMN EX!! And I wun forget de.. Got 1 stupid restaurant named “Curry House” or curry wad de.. cant rbm.. At 1st we tot its seems quite alrite norx.. the food is placed until like buffet like tt de norx.. then end up! Walao.. 3people can eat over RM90+++, wif juz one plate of rice each and some dishes on the plate norx.. wtf.. and important thing is THE FOOD THERE SUX!! PUI! Damn nt worth.. SO GALS N GUYS~ I ADVICE U ALL, IF U ALL HAPPENS TO GO GENTING, DUN GO THERE IT.. IT IS JUZ RIGHT BESIDE A RESTAURANT NAMED “CURRY NOODLE HOUSE”..

    <3 3:45 AM

    Monday, September 04, 2006

    haha.. nth to do.. juz to help my frien to do some~~ahem~~~ hahaha.. =X bleah!

    tryin to link to the webby of maplesea.. Xp

    <3 7:43 PM