

Wanna g0 f0r Part-t1m3 j0b


Th3 Gang 0f 5
Kah F0ng


Image: sxc
Designer: willy

|V|y Fr13nds

  • Th3 G4ng 0f 5
  • Stacy
  • Shu Fang
  • Jasp3r Ch3n
  • Ch0ng Y33
  • Char1s
  • Kah F0ng
  • L1nda
  • Jung
  • Ang3l1n3
  • L1 M1n
  • L1 |1ng
  • S13w P1n
  • J1a m1n
  • Mun K30ng
  • Ca1gary
  • Hit It

  • July 2005
  • August 2005
  • September 2005
  • November 2005
  • December 2005
  • January 2006
  • March 2006
  • May 2006
  • July 2006
  • August 2006
  • September 2006
  • October 2006
  • November 2006
  • December 2006

  • Th3 cHatt1n Plac3

    Thursday, November 30, 2006

    let me tell u a short story of a group of 4 gals, F, D, C, H. they noe each other since secondary school.. they are very close during sec sch.. but after the 3 of them graduated, left 1 more in the sec sch.. H, who is still in tt sec sch, felt lonely in sch even though there are still friens in the sch..

    whenever they hav outin, H really hope tt all of the other 3 can make it.. even a dinner.. a meal.. a walk.. a moment.. But often onli D and C able to turn up.. and slowly tis little grp of gals start to drifted apart... as in F was driftin apart.. but H still gt contact F, but duno y F and C dint greet each other in sch as F and C are in the same sch after graduatin.. H noe tt and she felt very weird and.... wordless sad.. cant say de sad..

    and during 2006, D heldin up a party.. she invite all the friens.. C and H turned up.. but onli F dint turn up.. which D was quite sad abt it.. as for H, she juz wonder hw come F dint turn up, but nvr ask her y.. But she did ask F did she turn up for the Bday party anot, and gt to noe tt she dint go.. H start to noe tt distance between F and D and C is driftin away... but dun wanna admit tt happens.. H hopes tt the distance can be returned..

    To Be Continue...............

    P.S. sry KF.. i dint noe tt u go watch the movie wif ur sis... i dint noe u feel so sad and lonely....

    <3 12:57 AM

    Wednesday, November 29, 2006

    haiz.. at sch nw.. duno y i start to realise that friends around me have many problems that bother them.. and mine is nt the worst norx... haiz.. i shld noe to be content of wad i hav.. seeing some of my friens goin through hard things i duno wad to say or do.. juz can stand a side and lookin and asked wad happen nia.. nth much i can do within the others relationship and some unhappy hav happen which im nt ard my frien's side.. sry.. haiz..

    AND i found that some guyz juz took advantage of the gals norx.. wtf! u think gals are wad sia.. =.= can u guyz juz try to treasure the nice gals u hav?? if u tryin to b nasty to gals ard me, im gonna make u suffer if i can.. -.-


    haiz.. nt all guyz la.. but some of the guyz out there, can u juz dun b so desperate and think tt u can do anythin to the gal!? some REALLY NICE Gals need to be respect and treasure lo.. we r nt ur "venting" machine norx.. *hope u all noe wad venting machine i mean.. nt vending but venting*

    gals around me make me found that, when gals really into a relationship, they will do their best to treasure it and maintain it.. as for guyz, makes me feel that some of them juz took the love for granted lo.. i duno wad to say na.. some really nice guyz no gf.. some really nice gals nt being treasured.. haiz.. hope everyone noes how to treasure each other..

    i would say tis sentence.. but then wad i wanna treasure, i would scare that end up im the one hurtin or the people around gt hurt also.. so i dun wanna sy whom the one that i hope to treasure.. and pls let me feel that u trust me regarding of anythin.. juz hope tt.. cos mutual trust arent the real important stuff between people ma??

    <3 12:50 PM

    Tuesday, November 14, 2006

    well~ on the last sat, the Gang of FIVEE went to Vivo city.. but nt really all of us na.. Shu Fang is unable to make it as she gt to work.. and xhj is late due to her project..

    therefore, onli hq, ah di and me reach there around 5pm ba.. cant rbm le.. haha.. then we walk ard.. the place is like really freakin big norx.. but 1 thing tt i really happy to saw abt is i saw tt CANDY EMPIRE!! wakakak.. CANDY EMPIRE is a place tt i can buy one of my favourite sweet, which is the NOUGATS!! wakakakaak.. but $40 per pack.. but tt pack is like very very very big norx.. i think quite worth it lo.. but juz tt i no $$ at tt point of time.. =x

    then we walk around Vivo, n was like awhile onli we felt hungry le.. so go around lookin for some affordable restaurant.. but dun really noe wad they hav, so we when to look for directory.. and we aimed Marche.. but wakao!!! we were like walkin and lookin ard for that restaurant for around 30min norx.. and in the end the restaurant is still under renovation lo.. kaoz.. faint~~

    then in the end, we hav our dinner at the Bakerzin.. the food is nt bad la.. i like tt "strawberry lavender lime" of the italian soda category.. tt drink is really nice nice nice!! and the color also nt bad.. hehex.. after tt meal, we wait for xhj to come.. so we to take a walk around.. n..................

    omg.. sry.. i cant continue le.. cos i was feeling sick nw.. think havin flu le ba.. and running nose.. abit of cough.. haha.. ok la.. i shall rest le.. continue my blog next time.. ^^

    <3 1:08 AM